Health and Safety

Tyre and Rubber Industries Safety Action Group (TRISAG)

The UK tyre manufacturing industry has a longstanding commitment to protecting health and safety in the work environment. The tyre industry federation is active in assisting its members to deliver continuously improving performance in this field; TRISAG exists to advance the standards of health and safety in the industry through dialogue between the trade unions, employers and the Health and Safety Executive.

Through its work with TRISAG and with members of the working groups TIF aims to:

  • Collaborate to ensure a safe and healthy working environment in the industry
  • Share industry best practice and support the production of authoritative guidance
  • Support appropriate research

The guides have been prepared by (TRISAG) in consultation with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

TRISAG wishes to record its appreciation and thanks for the help given and information provided by the Health and Safety Executive.

Download the TRISAG documents


TRISAG Roadside Changes

TRISAG Public Safety

TRISAG Mezzanine Floors

TRISAG Loading Vans

TRISAG High Stacks

TRISAG High Racking

TRISAG Collection-Delivery Guide

TRISAG Carrying Tyres

TRISAG Tread Safely Guide Jan15

TRISAG Safe Use of Knives in Tyre Manufacturing and Retreading

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